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Linen coiff - 2 parts
Linen coiff, common from the 12th century onwards.
It can be tied under the chin. Can be worn alone or with another headdress (straw hat, hood, etc.).

A two-piece model was used in the 13th and 14th centuries.

Sources :
- Maciejowski Bible
- Belgium Psalter, J. Paul Getty Museum, 1280

Possible option:
- Visible handmade seams
- Material: linen or hemp
- Colour : white or natural

Price : 15€
Men's surcoat mid-14th century
A surcoat with elbow patches (or helles) is a garment worn over a cotte between 1340 and 1360.
The term cotte-hardie is sometimes used for this surcoat.
It has a central button opening, several gores under the waistband to give a nice fullness, and short sleeves extending into a strip of fabric.

Possible options:
- visible handmade seams
- with or without lining (mandatory for elbow pads)
- plain or two-tones
- fabric or metal buttons

Sources :
The Peacock's Vows, MS G.24 fol. 56r (1350)
Funeral slab of Friedrich von Hohenlohe (1354)
Bodley 264 Romance of Alexander fol.143v (1338-1344)

Price: from €310
Tablier simple en lin. Il s'attache à la taille par une longue lanière.
Visible dans les sources chez les hommes (trés souvent les boulangers) et femmes.
Taille unique.

Options possibles :
- coutures apparentes faites main
- lanière plus ou moins longue
- lin blanc ou beige

Prix : 45€