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Braies mid-length
Mid-length linen braies, 14th - 15th century.
Men shirt 13th century
This shirt was inspired by Saint Louis shirt (a relic from 13th century).
Different collar shapes are possible, with amigaut (slit), v-neck, round collar.
Possibility of a central slit in the front and back.

Options available:
- Visible handmade seams
- V-neck or with amigaut
- Centre front and back slits
- Material : linen (bleached or natural), hemp, silk
Men's shirt - 14 & 15th century
Shirt valid for the 14th and 15th century.
They become shorter than the 13th century shirt to follow the fashion.
Different shapes of collar are possible, with amigaut (slit), v-neck, round collar.The shape is trapezoidal with the bottom flaring out.Possibility to have slit sides.

- Regnault de Montauban, volume 4, Ms-5075 Fol. 172r (1451-1500)
- Tacuinum sanitatis (14th-15th century)

Possible options:
- Exposed handmade seams
- V-neck or with amigaut
- Slits on the sides
- Material : linen (bleached or natural), hemp, silk

Price from 46€
Long braies
Long linen braies in use until the beginning of the 14th century.
The length is approximately mid-calf.
A drawstring allows each leg to be tightened below the knee.
Very useful when you put your separate hoses.
They are slit in the leg.
There are two eyelets that reveal the waistband to tie separate hoses.

- Rutland Psalter
- Maciejowski Bible

Possible options :
- Visible handmade seams
- Materials : linen or hemp

Linen price : 58€
Short "braies" Lengberg type
Short trousers inspired by the archaeological piece found at Lengberg Castle.
This model differs slightly from the original found, as it has 2 knots on each side for a good fit.
One size only.100% linen

Possible options :
- visible handmade seams

Price: 25€