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Burgundian gown
The burgundian gown is emblematic of the 2nd part of the 15th century. We call it also "Tassel" gown in french.
It is mostly worn by the nobles but the bourgeois imitates it.
It is worn over the shirt and the corset dress.
The "tassel" (most often black) is the piece of fabric in the V-shaped indentation of the dress.
It is pinned to the chest of the corset dress.
There are several possible collar shapes, the nobles will have fur at the cuffs and collar (sometimes at the bottom of the dress in the case of a full fur lining).
Some late images show brocade fabrics instead of fur.
The bourgeois will probably imitate this by replacing the fur with contrasting fabric.

Possible options:
- Outer fabric material: wool, brocade
- Material of lining: silk (ideal noble status), linen/fine cotton
- Type of fur: fake or real
- Visible handmade seams
- Length of the train

Price from 490€
Travel surcoat
This surcoat, sometimes called "garde corps", is a mixed garment from the 13th and early 14th centuries. It was worn as a final layer, over a cotte.
There are several types of travel surcoat, notably liturgical ones, but here we are talking about the secular surcoat, called "rain cape" in medieval texts.
It is represented in all social circles, more often worn by men than women, and often worn in travel situation.
The sleeves can have several shapes:
- long, straight, wide sleeves
- organ-pipe sleeves, referring to a multitude of folds at the base of the sleeve (the more folds, the richer the status)
- short sleeves ending at the elbow, very flaredMany sleeves have an opening, either through a slit along the sleeve or through an opening in the armpit.
This surcoat can be more or less long (from the knee to the ankles), and slit at the front or back for riding.

- Psalter, imperfect, Netherlands, 2nd quarter of the 13th century
-La Somme le Roi, f. 136v (1295), f. 136v (1295)

Possible options:
- Exposed handmade seams
- With or without lining
- Different types of sleeves
- Material of the lining: linen, fur, silk
- With or without hood

Price: from €213
Women surcoat with tippets
Women's surcoat from the 2nd half of the 14th century.
It has 2 distinctive features:
- The tippets, white bands encircling the arms and descending in strips.
One hypothesis is that these bands could be removable. But we have very little information on this.
- Slits allowing access to the belt worn on the dress below.

Sources :
- Le Roman de la Rose ca.1365 France
- Fais et dis mémorables des romains, Valerius maximus,1376, BNF Ms. fr. 9749 f.76v

Possible options :
- Exposed hand seams
- Linen and silk lining
- Tippet material : wool, silk, fur

Starting price: 400€