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Hood 14th - 15th century
Hood worn from about 1330 to 1450.
It has a long collar, and is longer than the 13th century chaperon to cover the shoulders.
It can be worn in many ways, including as a hat.
It is seen on all social classes, but after 1450 it is mostly found on older or middle to low status people.

Sources :
- Bocksten man's chaperone (14th century)
- Biblio de l'Arsenal, Paris Ms 5070, f.244r (15th century)

Possible options :
- bi-colored possible in the 14th century
- With or without lining
- Visible handmade seams
- Embroidery (14th) or decorative stitches
- Daggings on edges (crenellations, wavelets, oak leaf, etc)

Price from 49€ (wool with linen lining)
Hat "barette"
Simple hat that can cover the ears, worn in the 15th century.
Exposed hand-sewn seams.

Source :
- Regnault de Montauban, volume 3 (1451-1500) Ms-5074 Folio 21v

Price: 25€ from stock
or 30€ made to measure
Simple linen apron.
It is fastened at the waist with a long strap.
Can be seen in the sources on men (very often bakers) and women.
One size fits all.

Possible options :
- visible handmade seams
- strap of varying length
- white or beige linen

Price: 45 €
Short "braies" Lengberg type
Short trousers inspired by the archaeological piece found at Lengberg Castle.
This model differs slightly from the original found, as it has 2 knots on each side for a good fit.
One size only.100% linen

Possible options :
- visible handmade seams

Price: 25€