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Cotton laces
Cotton cord (non-historical) with 2 metal points at the end.
Necessary for fastening many garments and attaching hoses or pieces of armour.

Standard length : 40cm

Possible options :
- silver or brass points
- Colour in stock : Red, black, ecru

Price : 2,7€ /unit
Linen waxed laces
Lace made of a linen cord waxed with beeswax (the cord is not braided by hand) and 2 brass points. Used for the equipment of a man in armour according to an English manuscript of 1450: Hastings MS. [f.122b].

Necessary for fastening many garments and attaching hoses or pieces of armour.

Standard length : 35cm

Price : 5,00€ /unit
Wool laces
Wool lace made of a wool cords braided on the finger (historical) and 2 brass points.

Necessary for fastening many garments and attaching hoses or pieces of armour.

Standard length : 40cm

Price : 4,7€ /unit
Brass points
The points are end caps attached to the ends of the medieval laces, to facilitate their passage through the eyelets.

Length: 2.5cm
Diameter: 4mm

Price: 1€ for the ferret
Big points for laces
The points are end caps attached to the ends of the laces, to facilitate their passage through the eyelets.
Available in imitation gold or silver.

Length: 3.3cm
Diameter of the opening : 6mm basic, can be reduced by pinching the ferret to tighten the edges.

Price: 1€ / unit