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Torse - type 1
Woolen tortilla, reinforced with a second fabric of coarse canvas on the inside, with a woolen padding.
The seams are not visible.
Validated by the historicity committee for the buhurt competitions in fine version (photo of the red and white on the helmet).

Sources :
- Harley 4205 f. 11v (1445-1524)
- Great Equestrian Armorial of the Golden Fleece, 1429-1461
- KBR Bruxellensis IV 684 Brabantsche Yeesten (1425-1450)

Price: €35
Torse with lambrequin
Woolen torse, reinforced with a second fabric of coarse canvas on the inside, with a woolen padding.
This tortilla has a lambrequin, which is a decorative piece of fabric running low down the neck and back.
No visible seams.
Validated by the historicity committee for buhurt competitions in a thin version (about 5cm in diameter for torse).

- Codex of Gelnhausen, Wenceslaus I. of Bohemia (early 15th century)
- Livre des tournois, René d'Anjou 1460

Possible options :
- Other material- Different valance made to measure

Price : 50€
Twisted torse type2
TA torse made of 2 tubes of fabric padded and twisted together.
A lambrequin can be attached to it, this is the piece of fabric covering the nape of the neck and running down the back.
The seams are handmade.

- Codex of Gelnhausen, Wenceslaus I. of Bohemia (early 15th century)
- Livre des tournois, René d'Anjou 1460

Possible options :
- Other material: silk, linen, velvet
- Custom made valance

Price : 60€ (without lambrequin)
Torse type 3
Torse made of 2 tubes of fabric (non padded) twisted together and ending in 2 long straps at the nape of the neck.
The seams are handmade.

Sources :
- Ms. Germ. Qu. 15 - Bellifortis, Alsace, (ca. 1460)
- Codex Manesse 1300-1340

Possible options :
- Other material: silk, linen
- Custom made valance

Price : from 40€