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Women's shirt
The shirt is part of the underwear. It was worn throughout the Middle Ages.
It can be made of linen, hemp, nettle or futaine.
Its size and fineness of the fabric can vary according to the status of its wearer.
The sleeves and collars are adapted to the fashion of the clothes worn over them. The collar can be split for nursing mothers.

French Old Testament, f.42v, ca. 1250
The Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry

Possible options:
- Exposed handmade seams
- Round neck, V-neck, or with amigaut
- Material : linen (bleached or natural), hemp

Price from 85€
Viking woman dress
Simple dress used by Viking women.
Long sleeves and split neck.
This is an interpretation due to the limited sources available.

Sources :
- Tomb 188/1960 in Haithabu (slit neck)
- Male tunics found (Moselund, Kragelund, Skjoldehamn)
- Fragment H55A in Haithabu (use of cups to give fullness to the garment)

Possible options:
- Exposed handmade seams
- Possible material : Wool (several weaving choices), linen

Price from 179€ (wool)