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Women's shirt
The shirt is part of the underwear. It was worn throughout the Middle Ages.
It can be made of linen, hemp, nettle or futaine.
Its size and fineness of the fabric can vary according to the status of its wearer.
The sleeves and collars are adapted to the fashion of the clothes worn over them. The collar can be split for nursing mothers.

French Old Testament, f.42v, ca. 1250
The Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry

Possible options:
- Exposed handmade seams
- Round neck, V-neck, or with amigaut
- Material : linen (bleached or natural), hemp

Price from 85€
Sleeveless women's shirt
Sleeveless shirt 2nd half 14th and 15th century.
Simple interpretation based on available sources.
There is a shirt top dated to the end of the 15th century which has been found and preserved.
It is quite complex and plays a real supporting role for the chest, but one can assume that there are simpler models when one looks at the whole set of representations.
The shirt is fitted with a linen belt that can be adjusted with a needle.There is a natural pleating formed by the bending.

-Codices vindobonenses 2759-2764 - Austrian National Library - Vienna
- Codex of Jenský Czech Rep. IV.B.24, f. 78v - 1490-1510
- Castle Ranis, Thuringen (Germany) - Folder dated 14th century found, photographed and then lost.

Possible options :
- Exposed handmade seams
- Round collar, V-neck or with amigaut
- Material: linen (bleached or natural), hemp
- Thinner straps
- Embroidery on straps

Price : From 66€
Women's hoses
Women's hoses used in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries (note that they are certainly earlier than the 13th century).
They are mainly made of wool and cut on the bias.
They are held in place by garters attached below the knee.

Possible options :
- visible handmade seams

Price from 60€