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Hood 13th century
A hood model worn in the 13th century, it is relatively short and without a cornette (= a tail at the end of the hood that is more or less long).
At the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th century it was worn by workers. Around 1250 it is found on women.
Towards the middle of the 13th century, the hood is worn by all classes of society, the materials used indicate the status. It is often represented split on the front, but it is also found closed and more rarely with 1 button.

- Maciejowski Bible, fol. 17V; ca. 1250
- Cambridge University Library; MS Ee.3.59; fol. 4v.
- New Latin acquisition 16251. Fol. 69v. St Matthew

Possible options:
- with or without lining
- lining in linen, hemp, fur or silk
- visible handmade seams

Price from 40€
Women's hood 14th century
This type of hood is typical of the 14th century. It is fitted and buttoned at the front. It can be worn unbuttoned over another linen headdress.
It can be of one colour or parti-coloured.

Possible options :
- with or without lining
- metal or wool buttons
- visible handmade seams
- lining : linen, blanket (fine white wool), silk

Sources :
- Très belles Heures de Notre-Dame (BnF NAL 3093, folio 161v), 1375-1425 c.
- London excavation no. 246
- Alexander's novel

Price from €70
Women's hood of 15th
This hood is characteristic of the 15th century for women. It is worn open, and can be pinned on the dress to help with the maintenance.
It has a long cornette which can be used as a scarf against the cold and tied around the head (see photo of green hood).
It is often worn with the edge of the visor folded down around the head. In the many illuminations depicting it, the lining (if there is one) is the same colour as the wool.

Possible options:
- without lining (hand-sewn)
- with linen, wool or silk lining
- visible hand seams

- PML MS M.396, fol. 119r Guillaume de Machaut, Poésies, France, c. 1425-30
- Boccaccio, The Decameron, Flanders, 1432 Paris, BnF, Arsenal, manuscript 5070 fol. 304

Price from 42€ (wool lined with linen)
Ste Brigitta coiff
This headdress was present as early as the 13th century and was supposedly still worn during the 15th century. It is the equivalent of the male simple linen coiff for women.
A headdress was found during the discovery of a relic attributed to St. Brigid, hence the name commonly used nowadays.
It is dated to the end of the 13th century.
The found headdress is decorated with several embroideries including an interlaced herringbone stitch.
It can be worn on its own or used as the basis for a veil or hood.

Possible options:
- With or without embroidery
- Visible handmade seams

Price from 25€
Removables sleeves
Removable sleeves which are pinned onto the 15th century short-sleeved "corset" dress.

- The Descent from the Cross, Rogier van der Weyden, 1435
- The Birth of Mary, Alte Pinakothek, Munich, 1470

Possible options:
- Different materials: brocade, silk, velvet
- Visible handmade seams
- Buttoning / lacing possible on the forearm

Price: from €33
Half circle veil
Half-circle linen veil found throughout the Middle Ages.
It is pinned on a basic headdress of the St Brigitte type, or on a linen headband thanks to 2 pins (no sources available for the headband).

Possible options:
- visible handmade seams
- Other material : cotton, cotton/linen blend, silk, silk blend, fine wool

Price: from 32€ (machine sewing)
Simple linen apron.
It is fastened at the waist with a long strap.
Can be seen in the sources on men (very often bakers) and women.
One size fits all.

Possible options :
- visible handmade seams
- strap of varying length
- white or beige linen

Price: 45 €