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Large belt for Burgundian gown
Wide belt used by women wearing Burgundian gown (2nd half of 15th century).
The width seems to be between 5 and 10cm.
The buckle and the endstrap can be very elaborate and constitute real jewels.
The eyelets are framed by decorative metal parts (often flowers) with holes (not present on the photos).
The strap can be made of different materials (woven band, silk, velvet, leather, fabric with leather core).
The belts in the photo are made of a leather core wrapped in a cotton velvet sheath. Seams are not visible.

- "Livre traittant en brief des empereurs", BNF, Ms-5089 f.62r
- Portrait of a young woman, ca. 1460, Rogier van der Weyden
- Germanisches Nationalmuseum, belt T55

Please contact me for a custom made order, width, colour, material, buckle and decorations of your choice.

Prices start at around 85€ for a cotton velvet belt without leather core.
"Demi-ceint" belt
The demi-ceint belt is a feminine belt that appeared in the 14th century and became very common in the 15th century.
It can be made of leather, woven in wool or silk, or of leather covered with velvet.
At each end of the belt, two metal pieces called "capsulae", more or less elaborate, are attached by a chain. The adjustment is done by a hook directly on the chain which can be long and finished by a decorative pendant at its end.

- Elizabeth Seyntmour, 1475, Beckington, Somerset.
- Horae ad usum romanum, Latin 1156B Folio 58r (1401-1500)
- Woman with mirror and bath, Apocalypse tapestry, Angers, 1380

Price of the leather belt in the picture: 90€.
Leather garters
Strap worn at the top of the calves on both men's and women's socks.
Provides a better fit and reduces some of the tension on the waistband for men's socks.

Prix : 23€
Simple belt
Leather belt with historical buckle corresponding to your historical period.
Assembled by solid hand stitching with poissed linen thread.
A beeswax-based ointment is applied.

Possible options:
- choice of colour
- engraved ornaments
- choice of dimensions

Price from 32€
Maple leaf belt 14th-15th century
Brass buckle and strap end, sourced between the 14th and 15th century (London Museum) in the shape of a maple leaf.
Eight brass floral mounts.
Hand-dyed, beeswaxed leather.
Vegetable tanned leather

Leather thickness: 2.2mm
Belt width: 1.7cm
Length: 150cm

The set buckle & end strap is no longer available.

Reproduction on order with dye, dimensions and decorations of your choice.