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Cotton laces
Cotton cord (non-historical) with 2 metal points at the end.
Necessary for fastening many garments and attaching hoses or pieces of armour.

Standard length : 40cm

Possible options :
- silver or brass points
- Colour in stock : Red, black, ecru

Price : 2,7€ /unit
Linen waxed laces
Lace made of a linen cord waxed with beeswax (the cord is not braided by hand) and 2 brass points. Used for the equipment of a man in armour according to an English manuscript of 1450: Hastings MS. [f.122b].

Necessary for fastening many garments and attaching hoses or pieces of armour.

Standard length : 35cm

Price : 5,00€ /unit
Wool laces
Wool lace made of a wool cords braided on the finger (historical) and 2 brass points.

Necessary for fastening many garments and attaching hoses or pieces of armour.

Standard length : 40cm

Price : 4,7€ /unit
Lys flower mount
Decorations to be fixed on leather or fabric straps (belts, horse harnesses, garters, etc).

Dimensions : 12 x13 mm
Date : 1400-1500

Price : 2€ /unit
Engraved circular mount
Decorations to be fixed on leather or fabric straps (belts, horse harness, garters, etc).

Diameter : 20 mm
Hole: 4 mm
Close to a find in England - 15th century

Price : 2€ /unit
Flower mount
Decorations to be fixed on leather or fabric straps (belts, horse harness, garters, etc).

Diameter 16mm

Found in England 14-15th century

Price : 2€ /unit
Rectangular mount
Decorations to be fixed on leather or fabric straps (belts, horse harness, garters, etc).

Dimensions: 37 x 12 mm

Found on a knight's belt, Slovakia 1350-1450

Price : 2€ /unit
Rectangular purse
Purse are found over a long period of time in the Middle Ages, from the 12th to the 15th century.
The most common one is rectangular, with two drawstrings running through the weave of the fabric.
The corners and ends of the cords are often decorated with tassels.
In the 13th century they were mixed and were luxury items. They became more commonly worn by women in the 14th century.
They are usually worn between the inner and outer dresses, which is why they are often concealed in the representations.

- Statue from Brunswick Cathedral, ca . 1225-1250 Henry the Lion
- Maciejowski Bible 1250
- Met Museum "Purse with Two Figures under a Tree" 14th century
- La Suplantació de sant Esteve nounat pel diable 1495-1500

Price : begin from 45€
Large belt for Burgundian gown
Wide belt used by women wearing Burgundian gown (2nd half of 15th century).
The width seems to be between 5 and 10cm.
The buckle and the endstrap can be very elaborate and constitute real jewels.
The eyelets are framed by decorative metal parts (often flowers) with holes (not present on the photos).
The strap can be made of different materials (woven band, silk, velvet, leather, fabric with leather core).
The belts in the photo are made of a leather core wrapped in a cotton velvet sheath. Seams are not visible.

- "Livre traittant en brief des empereurs", BNF, Ms-5089 f.62r
- Portrait of a young woman, ca. 1460, Rogier van der Weyden
- Germanisches Nationalmuseum, belt T55

Please contact me for a custom made order, width, colour, material, buckle and decorations of your choice.

Prices start at around 85€ for a cotton velvet belt without leather core.
Wooden spool (small)
For sewing on camp in the historical way.
Dimensions: 4,5 cm high

Price: 2€ /unit
Buckle B1
Dimension : 42 x 26 mm
Band width : 13 mm
London findings 1350-1450

Price : 2,9€
Buckle B2
Dimensions : 4,2 x 3,3 mm
Band width : 1,7 mm
England 1350-1650

Price : 4,50€
Buckle B3
Dimensions : 50 x 37 mm
Band width : 18 mm
Excavation of England & Churburg Museum 1350-1500

Price : 4.90€
Buckle B4
Dimensions : 32 x 39 mm
Band strap : 18 mm
Excavation of England 1350-1500

Price : 2,90€
Buckle 5
Dimensions : 50 x 56 mm
Band width : 28 mm
Effigie German/Belgium "Egidius de Hamal" 1354

Price : 8€
Simple buttons, common for the entire medieval period.
Available in brass and pewter.

Price : 1.40€
Brooch 4 flowers
Size: 32 x 32 mm
Internal diameter 22mm
Archaeological excavations England, Poland 1250-1400

Price: 4€
Celtic brooch - pennanular
The Celtic brooch, known as a pennanular brooch, is ancient and was present from the Iron Age until the end of the 11th century.
This oval brooch is inspired by a British Museum brooch found in Latvia between the 10th and 11th century.
Dimensions 40 x 26mm.

Price : 4€.
Engraved circular brooch
External diameter 31 mm
Inner diameter 18 mm
Archaeological finds Poland 1250-1400

Price: €4
Diamond brooch
Dimensions: 37 x 36 mm
Inside: 20mm
Archaeological excavations Slovenia and England 1200-1400

Price: 4€
Brooch with 6 lobes
External diameter 43 mm
Inner diameter 35 mm
Archaeological excavations in Germany 1250-1400

Price: 6€
"Demi-ceint" belt
The demi-ceint belt is a feminine belt that appeared in the 14th century and became very common in the 15th century.
It can be made of leather, woven in wool or silk, or of leather covered with velvet.
At each end of the belt, two metal pieces called "capsulae", more or less elaborate, are attached by a chain. The adjustment is done by a hook directly on the chain which can be long and finished by a decorative pendant at its end.

- Elizabeth Seyntmour, 1475, Beckington, Somerset.
- Horae ad usum romanum, Latin 1156B Folio 58r (1401-1500)
- Woman with mirror and bath, Apocalypse tapestry, Angers, 1380

Price of the leather belt in the picture: 90€.
Epingle en laiton couramment utilisée pour maintenir les voiles et coiffes en place.

Diamètre du fil 0,8mm,
longueur environ 3cm (peut varier)
Fabrication par un artisan Belge.

Prix : 2€
Leather garters
Strap worn at the top of the calves on both men's and women's socks.
Provides a better fit and reduces some of the tension on the waistband for men's socks.

Prix : 23€
Belt pouch with titanium
A belt pouch designed for the armoured fighter wishing to add concealed protection along his belt.
A plate of titanium between 1-1.2mm thick is riveted inside.
Handy for bringing a few spare laces into the battles or for added style.

Vegetable-tanned leather.

Model inspired by the 14th and 15th century London excavations.
Brass points
The points are end caps attached to the ends of the medieval laces, to facilitate their passage through the eyelets.

Length: 2.5cm
Diameter: 4mm

Price: 1€ for the ferret
Simple belt
Leather belt with historical buckle corresponding to your historical period.
Assembled by solid hand stitching with poissed linen thread.
A beeswax-based ointment is applied.

Possible options:
- choice of colour
- engraved ornaments
- choice of dimensions

Price from 32€
Big points for laces
The points are end caps attached to the ends of the laces, to facilitate their passage through the eyelets.
Available in imitation gold or silver.

Length: 3.3cm
Diameter of the opening : 6mm basic, can be reduced by pinching the ferret to tighten the edges.

Price: 1€ / unit
Leather purse
Leather purses, used over a long period in the Middle Ages.
Fragments were found at the Haithabu (Viking) excavations, and similar ones at the London excavations from 1150 to 1380.
Browsing through 13th century illuminations, one also finds depictions of purses attached to braies.

Details :
- size approx. 13x18cm
- vegetable tanned goat leather
- hand sewn with a thread of woven linen
- application of a nourishing and protective wax based on beeswax

Possible options :
- dimensions to measure
- Choice of colours

Price : from 37€
Maple leaf belt 14th-15th century
Brass buckle and strap end, sourced between the 14th and 15th century (London Museum) in the shape of a maple leaf.
Eight brass floral mounts.
Hand-dyed, beeswaxed leather.
Vegetable tanned leather

Leather thickness: 2.2mm
Belt width: 1.7cm
Length: 150cm

The set buckle & end strap is no longer available.

Reproduction on order with dye, dimensions and decorations of your choice.
Simple linen apron.
It is fastened at the waist with a long strap.
Can be seen in the sources on men (very often bakers) and women.
One size fits all.

Possible options :
- visible handmade seams
- strap of varying length
- white or beige linen

Price: 45 €
Epingle en laiton ornée d'une perle en pière ou verre, couramment utilisée pour maintenir les voiles et coiffes en place.
Longueur environ 5.5cm (peut varier).
Fabrication Ukraine.

Prix : 12€ la paire
Wooden spool (big)
For sewing on camp in the historical way.
Dimensions: 10,5 cm high

Price: 3.5€
Buckle B6
Dimensions : 18 x 24 mm
Strap width : 12 mm
England 1200-1350

Price : 2,9€
Buckle B7
Dimension : 27 x 36 mm
Strap width : 20 mm
England 1250-1400

Price : 2,9€
Buckle B8
Dimension : 16 x 23 mm
Strap width : 12 mm
England 1250-1500

Price : 2,5€
Boutton T2
"Ball" button, 1250-1500
Diameter : 11 mm

Price : 2€
Shamrock flower mount
Decorations to attach to leather or fabric straps (belts, horse harnesses, garters, etc.).

Diameter: 21 mm
Date : 1250-1400

Price: 2.2 €